+91 98999 90972
Meet Dr. Sanjana Saraf
I am a RCI (Rehabilitation Council of India) and IACP (Indian Association of Clinical Psychologists) Certified Clinical Psychologist from Gurgaon, India with 17 years of extensive experience.
I completed my M.Phil Clinical Psychology residency program with distinguished honours as top of the class from the prestigious Institute of Human Behaviour and Allied Sciences (IHBAS), New Delhi.
In the initial stages of my career I worked with Max Hospitals Delhi & Gurgaon and also quickly started my private practice on the side. Alongside I went on to complete my PhD. in Psychology from University of Delhi and was awarded the ICSSR Doctoral Fellowship by the Ministry of Human Resource and Development, Govt. of India to pursue the same.
After some years of working in hospitals, I realised I do my best work with clients in private practice. I have been running private practice successfully ever since (both offline & online) and there has been no looking back.
Given my passion for mental health I have pursued further trainings in different modalities of psychotherapy.
Being a Clinical Psychologist at heart always, I have and continue to work successfully with various mental health difficulties like depression, anxiety disorders, OCD, trauma (also complex trauma), borderline personality disorder, substance related problems, adult ADHD and many more. My client base is individual adults from all over India and also from many other countries like US, Canada, Europe, UK and Singapore.
Along the course of my career I have published with various academic journals and continue to be invited for my excerpts in popular newspapers and magazines.

Practice Areas & Spacialisations
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)
Psychotherapy involves a face to face interaction between the client and the therapist in a safe and confidential environment. It assists the client to navigate through various emotional and psychological difficulties arising from various life situations and sufferings. Different modalities of psychotherapy also aim to treat psychological disorders like Depression & other mood disorders, Anxiety disorders, OCD, C-PTSD, PTSD, Borderline Personality disorder.
I have primarily been trained in the CBT modality which forms the framework for my core practice. However, over the course of my practice I began to realise that this approach be as it may, effective, may have some limitations. I therefore, now incorporate elements of Dialectical Behaviour Therapy, Mindfulness and Somatic work-ISP, in my sessions
Dialectical Behaviour Therapy or components of the same have proven to be effective for working with polarities, achieving balance, tolerating distress, improving emotional regulation and increase effectiveness in relationships especially for individuals struggling with borderline personality disorder.
Trauma informed therapeutic approach is guided by the assumption that traumatic past or recent traumatic experiences deeply impact one's psyche, emotions, relationships and behaviours. For the very same, I often adopt Integral Somatic Psychology (ISP) approaches to work through emotions and difficult memories along with trauma informed CBT.
Integral Somatic Psychology (ISP)
I am also a certified ISP practitioner. It is a somatic approach wherein, we work with how the emotion manifests in the body and deepen it further to build awareness and resilience with difficult emotions.
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