Anxiety is found in many psychological disorders. In these disorders, anxiety in itself is the most severe and prominent symptom. An Anxiety disorder is an abnormal state comprising of both mental and physical symptoms of anxiety. There are various types of anxiety disorders like phobias, panic disorder, generalised anxiety disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder etc.
Generalised Anxiety Disorder What is characteristic of this anxiety disorder is that it is generalised and persistent, and not restricted to a particular set of circumstances. The person experiences worry and apprehension that is wide spread and find it difficult to control. He/she may experience heightened irritability, poor concentration and a jumpy response to loud noises. Muscle tension may be experienced like restless, an inability to relax, headache, tension in the back and shoulders and etc. Physiological symptoms of anxiety like sweating, palpitations, dry mouth etc may be experienced with or without hyperventilation. Sleep disturbances may also be present.
Phobias Phobic anxiety disorder has similar symptoms to generalised anxiety disorder, but these symptoms occur only in particular circumstances, with the person being symptom free in other situations.
Panic Disorder Panic disorder has come be recognised as an anxiety disorder only since the last three decades. The striking feature is experience of numerous panic attacks….Read more on Panic Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) To understand what Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is, it is important to further understand two words: Obsessions & Compulsion. Obsessions are repetitive and intrusive thoughts, images and beliefs. These are often unpleasant and undesirable. The person recognises the thoughts as his/her own but is unable to control them. Efforts at controlling and suppressing these obsessions results in further increase. Compulsions are repetitive behaviours like repetitive checking, counting, organising that aim to reduce the obsessions. Anxiety Treatment There are different guidelines for every anxiety disorder. Some common guidelines in anxiety treatment helping people to understand their distress, also that it can be managed and tackled. An integral part of anxiety treatment and management is relaxation training. Often people are not aware of their thoughts, which are automatic thoughts contributing and maintaining the anxiety disorder. Patients are encouraged to identify these automatic thoughts. Subsequently efforts are made toward managing and modifying these thought process in therapy, which were earlier not a part of their general awareness.